"Race, Reconciliation & Righteousness - A Kingdom Perspective"



Race, Reconciliation & Righteousness

A Kingdom Perspective

We are living in one of the most divided times in our culture since the 1960s. Racial tensions are high, and the church is often at a loss for how to navigate the cultural issues we find ourselves entrenched in. The truth is that Christianity should modify the culture—not the other way around. Our culture must always be controlled by our commitment to Christ.

This year, the MIBF Fellowship gathering will center around creating biblically-grounded, culturally-sensitive disciples who carry God’s message of reconciliation out into the world. Jesus went to the cross not only for us to reconcile with Him, but to make a way for us to be reconciled to one another. We’ll learn what that real reconciliation looks like, and what our responsibilities are in light of this truth. We’ll become empowered to live out our faith in a world that desperately needs the healing hope that we carry.

If you’re hungry to discover what true biblical multiculturalism looks like—if your heart is to see reconciliation and righteousness in today’s world—then you won’t want to miss this year’s MIBF Fellowship!



MIBF is a family of spiritual formation, authentic relationships, mutuality and legacy led by Bishop Kenneth C Ulmer. We are a spiritual family of priority, unconditional love and acceptance; which fosters a place of safety and support. We believe in organic discipleship through teaching, spirit-led activity and doing life together. We are a supportive, confidential, and grace-centered environment that provides a place for sharing and accountability. We believe in a circle of leadership. We are stewards of wisdom, revelation and anointing that has come before us, and we have the responsibility to pass it down to the next generation, so that the chain is unbroken.

DR. KENNETH C. ULMER invites you to the 2019 Fellowship

Kenneth C. Ulmer has been Senior Pastor of Faithful Central Bible Church in Los Angeles for over 35 years. Dr. Ulmer is the former President of The King’s University in Los Angeles where he also serves as a founding board member, adjunct professor and Director of The King’s At Oxford; an annual summer session held at Oxford University. Dr. Ulmer is currently the Presiding Bishop over Macedonia International Bible Fellowship based in Johannesburg, South Africa, which is an association of pastors and churches representing ministries in Africa, the U.K. and the U.S.


Can’t Make It To LA, Pre Order the Conference Sessions












If you registered for the regular conference pass or the digital pass, as an added bonus, you will receive this incredible digital content to further equip you and your local church in the area of Race, Reconciliation & Righteousness

1. A digital copy of all of the sessions
2. A copy of Aligned for Success by Van Moody
3. BONUS digital content from:

Dr. Korie Edwards

Session Topic - Answers To Your Biggest Questions About Race & The Church

Dr. Curtiss Paul DeYoung

Session Topic - The Hermeneutics and Homiletics of Reconciliation Preaching 

Dr. Eric Mason

Session Topic - The Woke Church In Action

Dr. William Dwight McKissic Sr

Session Topic - The Greatest Challenge Facing The 21st Century Church 

Pastor Albert Tate

Session Topic - Discipling Out Racism

Bishop Van Moody

Session Topic - Leadership Principles For Engaging Race and Reconciliation

Bishop De’Andre Salter

Session Topic - The Kingdom, Race and Economic Empowerment

Pastor Wayne Chaney

Session Topic - The Omitted Narrative: A Hermeneutic Of Reconciliation

Pastor Jody Moore

Session Topic - Politics, Religion and Ministry

Pastor Demetrius Miles

Session Topic - Building An Inclusive Network


Bishop Kenneth Ulmer

Kenneth C. Ulmer has been Senior Pastor of Faithful Central Bible Church in Los Angeles for over 35 years. Dr. Ulmer is the former President of The King’s University in Los Angeles where he also serves as a founding board member, adjunct professor and Director of The King’s At Oxford; an annual summer session held at Oxford University.

Bishop Van Moody

Bishop Van Moody has a passion for transforming people, organizations and the world. With a background in leadership, business and ministry, he is qualified uniquely to position and empower people for success in every aspect of their lives. Moody assist's in leading MIBF as the assistant to Dr. Kenneth C. Ulmer. 

Wayne Chaney

Wayne Chaney personifies the contemporary spiritual leader. He uniquely bridges people from different generations, cultures, and demographics through his relevant teaching and architecture of spirited worship atmospheres.

De'Andre Salter

De'Andre Salter has a relentless passion to help people grow their faith, nurture their families, and become financially independent. Having taken a unique pathway into ministry as SVP of three Fortune 100 companies, then as an esteemed entrepreneur and financial expert, now in his role as a pastor he aims to help people reach their life goals and please God by teaching them how to apply Biblical principles to their personal and professional lives.

Demetrius Miles

As a communicator of truth, Pastor Demetrius carries an enormous burden to see the Kingdom of God advanced in the earth and has had the privilege of proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom across the nation and abroad.

Jody Moore

Pastor Moore is the Senior Pastor of Praise Tabernacle Bible Church in Chino, CA. Educated at Talbot School of Theology he has held executive leadership roles both in ministry and in several Fortune 500 companies.

Dr. Curtiss Paul DeYoung

Dr. Curtiss Paul DeYoung is the CEO of the Minnesota Council of Churches. Previously he was the Executive Director of the historic racial justice organization Community Renewal Society in Chicago and the inaugural Professor of Reconciliation Studies at Bethel University.

Albert Tate

Albert Tate is the founding pastor of Fellowship Church—one of the
fastest-growing multiethnic churches in the United States. Tate serves on the Board of Trustees at Azusa Pacific University, the Museum for the Bible in Washington, D.C. and Global Church Planting Organization, Stadia.

Dr. Korie L. Edwards

Dr. Korie L. Edwards is Associate Professor of  Sociology at The Ohio State University. Edwards is a leading scholar of race and religion in the United States and Past-President of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, an international, interdisciplinary association.

Pastor William Dwight McKissic, Sr.

Pastor William Dwight McKissic, Sr. is founder and Senior Pastor of the Cornerstone Baptist Church in Arlington, Texas.  Pastor McKissic began the church in 1983, in a small garage with fifteen in attendance. The church is blessed now with a weekly attendance averaging over 1000 each Sunday.

Dr. Eric Mason

Dr. Eric Mason is the founder and lead pastor of Epiphany Fellowship in Philadelphia, PA. He is married to Yvette and has three sons, Immanuel, Nehemiah, Ephraim and one living daughter, Amalyah. After over two decades of gospel ministry, Dr. Mason has become known for his unquenchable passion to see the glory of Jesus Christ robustly and relevantly engaged in broken cities with the comprehensive gospel. Urban ministry is the heartbeat of his ministry and calling.

Myesha Chaney

Myesha Chaney – wife, mother, songwriter, recording artist, television/radio personality, published author, motivational speaker, worship leader, and entrepreneur has never been a stranger to the balancing act of pursuing her divine purpose.



8:00AM: Doors Open
8:15AM – 9:15AM: Fellowship Start
9:15AM – 10:15AM: Session 1: Race, Reconciliation & Righteousness – Bishop Kenneth C. Ulmer
10:30AM - 10:45AM: Coffee Break
10:45AM – 11:45AM: Session 2: The Importance of an Accurate Diagnosis: Disentangling Culture, Ethnicity and Race – Dr. Korie Edwards
12:00PM – 1:00PM: Lunch
1:00PM – 2:00PM: Session 3: Practicing Biblical Reconciliation in 21st Century Congregations – Dr. Curtiss Paul DeYoung
2:05PM – 3:05PM: Session 4: Reaching Millennials and Gen Z – Dr. Eric Mason
3:05PM – 3:20PM: Coffee Break
3:20PM – 4:20PM: Session 5: Does The Kingdom Require Tokens – Pastor Albert Tate 
4:25PM – 5:55PM: Session 6: Speakers Q&A Panel
5:55PM – 6:10PM: Day 1 Closing


8:00AM: Doors Open
8:15AM – 9:15AM: Day 2 Start
9:15AM – 10:15AM: Session 7: Estranged Pioneers: How Pastors of Color Navigate Heading Multiracial Churches – Dr. Korie Edwards
10:15AM - 10:30AM: Coffee Break
10:30AM – 11:30AM: Session 8: Before Jesus Was White: Deconstructing White Supremacy in U.S. Christianity – Dr. Curtiss Paul DeYoung
11:45AM – 12:45PM: Lunch 
12:45PM – 1:45PM: Session 9: Is Christianity the White Man's Religion? – Dr. Eric Mason
1:45PM – 2:00PM: Coffee Break
2:00PM – 3:00PM: Session 10: The Origin and Development of the Races of Mankind – Dr William Dwight McKissic Sr.
3:05PM – 4:35PM: Session 11: Speakers Q&A Panel
4:35PM – 4:50PM: Day 2 Afternoon Conclusion


Fellowship Closing Worship Service
7:00PM – 7:35PM: Praise & Worship
7:35PM: Concluding Word - Bishop Kenneth C. Ulmer


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